After 31 successful reconsideration requests I am publishing my personal disavow process for others who are still suffering. This process take about 3 months to complete if your client has been a really really spammy! Lets assume that you know that you have a penalty on the site and its backlink related. Here is an [&hellip
5 Tips for Diversifying Your Google AdWords Account

The famous 80/20 ratio applies in business and sales: 20% of clients tend to make up 80% of revenues. This ratio also applies in Google AdWords and other PPC campaigns, according to Jospeh Kerschbaum. While many campaign managers are happy to rest on their laurels with 80/20, this strategy is not without risk. What works [&hellip
Lead Capture Forms Best Practices

A few years ago the easiest lead capture form best practices you’ll need some perspective on the way things used to be. You used to be able to capture somebody’s contact information was by asking them to subscribe to your newsletter. Part of the motivation for to build a marketing subscriber bases is that no [&hellip
Running your Small Business from a Smartphone

Have you ever wondered what tools you’d need to run your business from a smartphone? I am a huge advocate of the 4 Hour Work Week lifestyle and one of the biggest issues is how to run your business when you are not in the office. Be it fro across town or from across the [&hellip
Ways you can ask for a Referral

What’s the best way to ask people for referrals? Here are a few suggestions: Email – send out an email to your database and ask them if they know of companies that could benefit by doing business with you. If you’d like, you can offer some sort of incentive to really entice them to refer [&hellip
Teknicks Bids on Pubcon Keyword
I am at an Internet Marketing conference in Las Vegas this week called I ended up misplacing my paper version of the schedule and I was trying to find the online version of the conference agenda and I just googled “pubcon”. The top listing is a paid Ad from a company called Teknicks and they [&hellip
Emulating Stereo Sound from Mono Source in iMovie
I have had this problem plaguing my video's lately…I have an external mic plugged into my video camera and when I record the audio it comes out as a mono vs. stereo channel. I know that there are some very sophisticated ways that I can handle it in pre-processing but I had already recorded it [&hellip